Wagyu Beef Shares

 When purchasing beef shares you are purchasing the animal, whole or half. We will deliver it to our USDA facility to be processed into the custom cuts you prefer. Your share includes steaks, roasts, ground beef, and more. We require an upfront deposit payment. You can pick up your share from our store location. 


Whole Beef Share

Buying a whole beef share includes 450-500 pounds of meat, divided into different cuts like steaks, roasts, ground beef, and ribs. The exact cuts and amounts vary depending on the share and preferences of the buyer. Miscellaneous items such as organ meat and bones for broth making may also be included. Customers can choose how the beef is processed and packaged. Buying a whole beef share saves money compared to buying smaller amounts of beef, but requires about 18 cubic feet of storage space.


1/2 Beef Share

Half beef share includes 200-250 pounds of beef from various cuts such as sirloin, ribeye, chuck roast, and T-bone. Preferences for cutting and packaging can be requested. 

How is a shares are priced?

Wagyu beef shares are priced by the pound “Hanging weight” before the animal is processed.

Terms to understand.

Live Weight – The weight of the animal while it is alive, typically measured on the farm or ranch before slaughter.

Hanging Weight -The weight of the animal immediately after slaughter and removal of the head, hide, hooves, and internal organs. This weight is measured with the carcass hanging on a hook. Hanging weight is about 60% of live weight. 


$6 per pound hanging weight. 

1000 lbs steer live weight

After slaughter will be approximately 600 lbs

Whole beef share would be $6 x 600 = $3600.00 

Half beef share would be $6 x 300 = $1800  

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